established in 2018, is a specialized company that develops and services an intelligent bio-signal analysis platform based on the convergence of medical devices and IT technology.
The portable ECG device, CardiaI, developed in 2021, utilizes an AI interpretation algorithm to provide fast and accurate electrocardiogram analysis results. With CardiaI, both medical professionals and the general public can easily conduct ECG tests anytime, anywhere. The test results can be accessed through a mobile application and WEB-Viewer software. This ground-breaking product allows for real-time monitoring and diagnosis of remotely conducted tests, making it suitable for telemedicine as well.
Furthermore, we aim to analyze and predict various arrhythmia diseases and provide opportunities for early detection and treatment of arrhythmia in patients with heart disease through the development of a 6-Leads Holter ECG, CardiaI Patch, and a software for prediction of atrial fibrillation interpreted by AI technology, PAPS.
Medifarmsoft is continuously striving to develop such technology-converged medical devices and services and become a leading company in the field of AI-based bio-signal analysis platforms, contributing to creating a healthy society.
By leveraging the convergence of medical device technology and AI-based diagnostic algorithms,
we will continue to provide intelligent biometric information analysis platform services to create a healthier society.

- Supplying CardiaI, to 189overseas diplomatic station of MOFA for monitoring heart-diseases
- CardiaI(CAI-100H), holter ECG device, approved by MFDS(KFDA), Class II
- Supply and Distribution Agreement with Karl Holdings in Philippines
- Supply and Distribution Agreement in Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda
- Clinical Study for CardiaSOFT, AI algorithm woftware by SNU Hospital
- Establishment of AI based Analysis service platform at Amazon Cloud
- CardiaI(CAI-100) CE lla Approval (MDD)
- CardiaI(CAI-100), uHealthcare ECG device, MFDS Approval(Medical Grade 3)
- CardiaI app. for Android/WEB Viewer program for windows
- ISO 13485
- Venture Enterprises Certification (No.20200401662)
- Patent of AI based ECG Diagnostic System
- Completion on IP-R&D Project of KISTA
- Corporate-affiliated R&D Institute (No.2019113596)
- Successful Development of World First AI Analysis Algorithm for 18 types of Heart Diseases.
- IRB Approval for Providing Diseases Data by SNU Hosp.
- Established MediFarmSoft, May, 2018