CardiaI ECG Measurement & Analysis System

CardiaI (CAI-100) developed by MediFarmSoft is a mobile ECG analysis device that provides over 94% accuracy in reading through the application of AI-based analysis algorithms. It offers a service that can measure and analyze heart rhythms easily and quickly, allowing for the detection of arrhythmia symptoms anytime, anywhere.

Using the fingertips of both hands, CAI-100 measures heart rhythms for 30 seconds and sends the data to a mobile app(gateway software). The app encrypts the data and sends it to a diagnostic support software server, which then analyzes the ECG data precisely and sends the analysis results for arrhythmia back to the mobile app and WEB-viewer server. Thee arrhythmia analysis results can be shared with external medical hospitals and saved in PDF/PNG format.

Why CardiaI ECG

Simple ECG check-up for 30 sec. anytime, anywhere!

  • Portable

    A palm-sized and light ECG device

  • Accurate

    Highly accurate analysis results

  • Detailed reports

    Not only ECG signal data but measured parameters,
    RR interval, RRI variation, QRS duration, QRSD variation,
    PR interval, PRI variation, and P Wave

  • Reliable

    - CE & Korea MFDS certificates

    - Patented & Design Registrations

  • 4 Symptoms

    Atrial Fibrillation, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, and Normal Sinus Rhythms.

CardiaI Ambulatory ECG

Differentiated Interpretation ECG Report



CardiaI ECG Measurement & Analysis System

CardiaI is a medical device that records patient’s ECG anytime, anywhere and displays determinations and information on arrhythmia. Medical doctors can monitor patient’s ECG data and analyzed information remotely in real-time.

  • · Similar Device to CAI-100
  • · Available for Korea Only


ECG system with built-in Analysis Software

  • · CardiaI for Windows is an essential ECG system for patients and medical personnel living in rural areas or areas with no internet service.
  • · A laptop system equipped AI-based ECG analysis software.
  • · Within 30 seconds, Atrial Fibrillation, Tachycardia, Bradycardia can be detected.
  • · This system is suitable for protecting and securing personal health data